Advanced Garcinia Cambogia

advanced-garcinia-warnings3 Scary Reasons to Stay Away!

Tired of buying into new weight loss products only to soon realize you’ve been duped again? We hear ya. It’s frustrating, right? For many people, losing weight or keeping it off seems to be a never ending struggle. Every week there seems to be, yet again, another new miraculous way to lose weight – hey even the stars are doing it! By now, you know that’s rarely true. But fortunately, you’ve come to the right place to learn the truth about what works and what doesn’t. You can also skip over to our main review page that clearly lays out the pros and cons of other brands.

Today, we’re going to introduce you to one of our favorites: Garcinia Cambogia. This stuff, by all the research we’ve done ourselves, is the real deal. However, it isn’t just as easy as that. Even with a good thing, there’s going to be some bad. That may sound contradicting, but it isn’t… just stay with us here.

Because garcinia cambogia extract is in such high demand, there are some suppliers and brands out there who are just after your money. They see the dollar signs whenever something makes it this big and they want a piece of the pie. Unfortunately, we found another one that we want to warn you about: Advanced Garcinia Cambogia. Now, let’s talk about why.

No Such Thing as Free Ride – Sorry

nowayOne of the most common ways that consumers get scammed these days is with the free trial or risk-free trial. And that couldn’t be truer than in the weight loss industry. When we were first alerted to Advanced, we investigated. And the very fist thing that they throw in your face is “Hey, try a free bottle – it’s on us!”

Don’t fall for it. 99 percent of the time these free bottles offered in the world of supplements are nothing but a bait and hook to get your payment info on file. Yes, you will probably receive a bottle soon after requesting it feeling all hunky dory because you can “cancel any time if you aren’t happy”.

But wait… cancel? Yes. You can bet your bottom dollar that they’ll require you to give them your credit card or bank information. That’s so they can keep sending you bottles and charging you. You might get lucky and easily cancel if you decide to. But from our experience, that’s easier said than done.

Shhh… They Want You to Think You’re Buying from THEM (But you aren’t)

So I was going to look even further into their free trial bottle. But guess what? I can’t. When you click it, you land on a blank page! How professional is that? But here’s the kicker… watch closely when you click on that button and you’ll see that you’re being taken to a completely different website (well – you’re supposed to be being taken there anyways).

So what’s that all about? It means they’re an affiliate. They’re affiliate marketers. They’re pushing and promoting a product that isn’t theirs in hopes that you’ll buy and they can make a commission.

garcinia-scam-nowayProbably the BIGGEST Red Flag: Not Showing the Label

This is at the very top of the list of our pet peeves. It’s unprofessional and most commonly, it means they know that a savvy shopper isn’t going to buy the product if they really seen what was in it (or what’s not in it). So they choose simply not to show the label. You can’t see the ingredients. You don’t even know how much HCA (hydroxycitric acid) is in it. HINT: It’s extremely important that any garcinia extract you buy has a bare minimum of 50% HCA… You don’t know the milligrams, so even if everything else was good to go, you’d have no way of knowing if it was good value or not.


Well there you have it. There are all of the main reasons we would never recommend buying Advanced Garcinia Cambogia. Actually, it’s hard to really find anything good to point out about this one! The site isn’t properly maintained, they’re another in the long line of sellers who try to pull consumers in with a free bottle offer and they don’t even think you deserve to know exactly what it is you’re ordering. There’s good news, though… keep reading below.

If you want to learn more about some of the other brands, go here.


Knowing what to look for is extremely important when you’re buying weight loss supplements. Well, it’s important anytime, but when you’re buying weight loss pills, we’re talking about your health here. So buying garcinia supplements shouldn’t be an impulse buy. Always make sure you know exactly what you’re buying. If someone isn’t willing to show you well before ever asking for personal information, turn on your heels and go the other way. One that you can trust and is from a seller we’ve come to highly respect is this garcinia extract. In fact, it’s even sold on Amazon. Both their site and Amazon often have special discount specials running, too.


garciniabanner270613There are many reasons why we recommend this particular product. Not only are they an established retailer, but they pride themselves on offering as much information as possible. Go ahead and have a look yourself and you’ll see they aren’t some fly by night operation. This product exceeds Dr. Oz’s recommendations:

This product meets all of the important criteria that Dr. Oz recommends:

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)



Diet Coke Under the Gun

diet-coke-under-the-gunDiet coke is the 2nd best selling soda in the country. But recently, it’s been getting the type of attention that no business wants.

Coca-Cola’s own executive admitted on Tuesday’s conference call where he and analysts were discussing business, that there has been some pressure on them. Why? The ingredient controversy – again. People are smarter consumers than ever before and are growing tired of artificial ingredients.

Coca-Cola is headed by Steve Cahillane in Latin and North America. According to him, the pressure really isn’t exclusive to their brand, but a general consensus against all diet products in the U.S.

He put forth his assurance that he very much believes in what the future has to hold for Diet Coke. After all he said, it is the number two selling soda in the country every since they knocked Pepsi from that pedestal in 2010.

He announced that the’re upping the ante and putting more funds into the brand to boost its performance. It’s not hard to find an example of that. Just look at the promotion they recently ran with Taylor Swift.

Soda has been receiving negative media attention for a while. Consumers in the U.S. have been reducing the amount of soda they purchase, as well. Maybe because of the warnings that have been released about diet sodas, the amount of diet soda being sold is drastically lower than that of regular sodas.

Last year alone, Coke sales dropped a mere one percent. But diet coke sales dropped three percent. That’s three times as much! Poor Diet Pepsi seen a whopping 6.2 percent drop.

So what warnings are we referring to? First of all, there have been multiple warnings about aspartame. However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has released statements about aspartame. They claim that it can be safely used as a sweetener. The American Cancer Society stepped in saying that claims aspartame can cause cancer is not true, too.

A Handful of Foods to Help You Lose Weight

hot-sauce-weight-lossSweet news to any dieters’ ears… eating chocolate can be beneficial for you even if you’re trying to lose weight. This is all according to new research that’s recently been released from YouGov’s British study.

Many people think that if you want to lose weight, you’ve got to suddenly say goodbye to ever having desserts or sweets. However, these numbers just might shock you.

In this study, they report that over 90 percent of the participants who were successful at losing ten percent of their body fat were able to do so while still enjoying chocolate. So what’s the deal? They believe that it’s all a matter of not making yourself feel deprived. If you completely cut that favorite candy or chocolate that you love, you’re probably not going to end up sticking to you diet.

So yes, you can still have your cake. Your chocolate. Your cookie. Just don’t overdo it. While you’re at it, try to include these in your diet, too!


Research shows that eating apples help you stay slimmer. Peen State University confirmed this. They reported that if you eat an apple before eating dinner (especially a heavy pasta dinner or burger!), you’ll likely not eat as many calories. Apples fuel your body with fiber. Because fiber is so slowly digested, it keeps you fuller.

Spice it up with Hot Sauce

You read that right! Spice up your next omelette with a dosing of your favorite hot sauce. Hot sauce has what’s called capsaicin. It’s odorless. You can’t taste it. But for a short time after eating it your metabolism gets a boost. It’s also believed that it helps because you probably aren’t going to chow down quite as fast if it’s got hot sauce in it. Therefore, your body has more time to tell your brain you’re full and you stop eating.

Enjoy a Glass of Wine

That’s right… does it get any better? While you’re dieting you can have your wine and eat your chocolate too. Those who drink a small amount of wine were not as likely to gain weight as those who don’t drink at all. It’s not been proven as to why exactly this is, but hey, we’ll take it!


Important Message from CFSC

After 16 years of leadership, collaboration, and groundbreaking work in the food justice movement, the Board of Directors and senior staff of the Community Food Security Coalition have made the difficult decision to begin transitioning our programs and services to our trusted partner organizations and coalition members. We will close current operations of the Community […] Read the full article →

CFSC Program Stewardship for the Future

As CFSC winds down its operations and begins working with partners to take on lead roles for our numerous shared program and services, we want to share the process that we have been using as we step back from these programs. Every decision and conversation to step back from programs has begun with this question […] Read the full article →

The Best Time of Day to Work Out

13Increasingly, scientists are inviting athletes into the lab to investigate the ef­fects of body rhythms on athletic performance. Most exercise-related rhythms, including heart rate, manual dexterity and reaction time, peak in the afternoon and evening. The result is “a window of opportunity between noon and 9 p.m., when we’re likely to be at our physi­cal—if not mental—best,” says exercise physiologist Tom Reilly of the Liverpool John Moores University in England.
Numerous studies of swimmers, soccer play­ers, rowers and long jumpers suggest there is in­deed an afternoon performance edge. “The ma­jority of athletes in these studies performed better later in the day,” says Dr. Reilly. And only two Olympic track and field records since 1945 have been broken before noon.

There also seems to be a psychological compo­nent to the peak performance phenomenon. At least one study indicates that “perceived exer­tion,” meaning how difficult a workout feels, is lowest in the evening. Reilly had 10 women com­plete a weight training circuit in the morning, then again in the evening. Even though they lifted the same amount of weight both times, they reported that the morning workout was more difficult.

You can determine your own peak perfor­mance time by plotting your temperature every couple of hours for several days in a row. lit will vary by as much as 1.5° throughout the day.) “Theoretically,” says Reilly, “you’ll perform best during the period three hours before and after your daily temperature high-4 p.m. or 5 p.m. for most people.” If you’re a morning person, expect your peak to be an hour or two earlier than aver­age; night owls, on the other hand, peak slightly later than the norm. (As we age, peak perfor­mance time shifts toward the morning, perhaps because older people tend to go to bed and get up earlier, which moves their body clocks ahead.)

Of course, genetic ability, training and motiva­tion also influence how well we perform. But be­ing aware of your body rhythms can make a dif­ference. One study of a dozen swimmers who worked out on an arm and shoulder machine found that when they exercised at the wrong time of day—too long before or after their circa­dian peaks—their performance dipped 10%, the equivalent of working out on three hours of sleep or after drinking a couple of glasses of wine.
It makes sense, then, to harness your circadian rhythms if you’re looking to gain an edge on the track or playing field. If you must compete in a minimarathon at 7 a.m. and you don’t usually rise until 8 a.m., try getting up a few hours earlier for several weeks beforehand, in order to shift your circadian peak toward morning. If your schedule (or personality) mandates a morning workout, warm-up exercises and stretches are even more important than they are later in the day (body temperature is lowest when you awaken). And people with heart trouble should avoid vigorous workouts before noon, when heart attacks are most common. The heart-healthy, of course, should feel free to work out at any time of day.—MARY GARNER GANSKE

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Tackle Diet, Exercise Together for Best Results?

exercise and dietIf you have to choose one at a time, hit the gym first, researchers add

If you’re trying to get healthy, tackling both diet and exercise is better than trying to improve one lifestyle habit at a time, new research suggests.

The researchers did add that if you need to start with just one lifestyle change, choose exercise. They found that changing diet first may interfere with attempts to establish a regular exercise routine.

The study included 200 people, aged 45 and older, who were inactive and had poor diets. They were split into four groups: new diet and exercise habits at the same time; diet changes first and starting exercise a few months later; starting exercise first and making diet changes a few months later; and no diet or exercise changes.

The groups received telephone coaching and were tracked for a year. Those who made diet and exercise changes at the same time were most likely to meet U.S. guidelines for exercise (150 minutes per week) and nutrition (5 to 9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day), and to keep calories from saturated fat at less than 10 percent of their total intake of calories.

The people who started with exercise first and diet changes a few months later also did a good job of meeting both the exercise and diet goals, but not quite as good as those who made exercise and diet changes at the same time, the Stanford University School of Medicine researchers said in a news release from Stanford.

The participants who made diet changes first and started exercise later did a good job of meeting the dietary goals but didn’t meet their exercise targets. This may be because each type of change has unique characteristics, explained study author Abby King, a professor of health research and policy and of medicine.

“With dietary habits, you have no choice; you have to eat. You don’t have to find extra time to eat because it’s already in your schedule. So the focus is more on substituting the right kinds of food to eat,” she said in the news release.

However, people with busy schedules may have difficulty finding time for exercise. King noted that even the people in the most successful group (diet and exercise changes at the same time) initially had trouble meeting their exercise goal, but did achieve it by the end of the study.

The study was published online April 21 in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

6 delicious ways to snack on superfood chia

172413_Green Bags_KDM_By now, you’ve heard about chia as the hot new healthy ingredient. But you probably have no idea what do with it. You aren’t alone. For many of us, our experience with chia is limited to Chia Pets, those kitschy animal-shaped lawn ornaments that were popular several years ago. But when eaten, chia seeds are a nutritional no-brainer, loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. And since they can be eaten raw, they’re an easy way to up the health factor of just about any meal.

Chia is an ancient seed that dates back to the Aztecs, who used it as a source of energy and endurance. The word chia is used to describe two plants, salvia hispanica and salvia columbariae and is mainly grown in Central and South America. It can be eaten whole or ground up and added to baked goods and other products. As interest in the health benefits of chia grows, various food brands have been adding chia to their products. Here, some tasty ways to add a little chia to your diet.

New York Superfoods Chia Peanut Butter

On its own, natural peanut butter is a great source of protein, but add some chia seeds to it and you’ve got a snack loaded with fiber and omega-3s—perfect for a before work out bite. New York Superfood’s version of chia peanut butters are free of preservatives and hydrogenated oils and come in six unique flavors such as Manhattan Mud (blended with vegan dark chocolate) Tribeccah Nectar (with agave nectar) and Boulder Heat (with paprika).

Salba Smart Tortilla Chips and Boost packets

Salba chia is a trademarked version of chia grown in Peru under strictly controlled conditions to ensure nutritional consistency. Salba Smart is a line of organic snack foods that contain this form of chia. Their tortilla chips, available in white, blue and yellow corn, are especially tasty, and the company recently launched Boost packets, a 0.5-ounce serving of Salba seeds, that can be sprinkled onto yogurt, cereal or into smoothies.

Nature’s Path Chia Plus Frozen Waffles

Try these organic breakfast waffles, packed with chia seeds, quinoa and amaranth. They’re also gluten free!

Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages

These delicious organic drinks—the first chia-based beverage on the market—are gluten free and full of protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. The consistency reminded me of aloe drinks (I am thinking about freezing them into ice pops for my one-year-old!) Sweetened with agave nectar, the drinks are available in nine flavors including Blackberry Hibiscus, Cherry Lime and Pomegranate Mint. Plus, Mamma Chia donates one percent of their gross sales to farmers and community groups that build healthy local food systems.

KIND Healthy Grains Maple Walnut Clusters with Chia & Quinoa While I’m a fan of making my own granola, KIND’s version is a worthy splurge. Loaded with 300mg of omega-3 fatty acids and 17g of whole grains per serving, breakfast doesn’t get much healthier. Oh and it tastes pretty good too!

Happy Family Happy Tot Pouches

These squeezable, organic fruit and vegetable packets contain Salba chia, and are a great way to get this ancient grain into your baby or toddler’s diet! Available in six flavor combinations.

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Helps You Lose Weight


Garcinia Cambogia extract is the newest of the natural weight loss programs that we can confidently recommend. Again, a Dr. Oz featured product. This one is a triple-fat-burning-threat! It blocks fat. It melts fat you already have. It curbs your appetite.

We’ve reviewed dozens of the top brands ourselves, and so far, the winner is NewLifeBotanicals, chosen #1 by the Diet Management Association of America ( It is available at select Whole Foods and GNC stores, or a reputable store such as Alivebynature.



The reason the Pure Garcinia Cambogia is so popular is because it’s a cheap herbal supplement available on the market. The fruit makes you feel full, so you don’t feel like eating anymore. It started in Malaysia as a soup, but it has become popular in many different places around the world. The fruit is sometimes called tamarind, and it’s native to Indonesia. You can now find the fruit in West/Central African, Southeast Asia and India.

You can also find Garcinia Cambogia in South Asian cuisine such as chutneys and curries, and its good for curing fruit and preservation. The fruit is often shapes like a fruit, and its small in size. Consumers like to eat the fruit because it makes them feel full as it will block your appetite. The plant should be eaten 30 minutes before every major meak.

The drug has HCA in it; that’s the short name for hydroxycitric acid. You can double or triple your weight loss when you eat the fruit. HCA ia natural extract, and it works best with diet and exericse. As long as you eat right and get plenty of exercise, you will probably lose around four pounds per month. This is a good food for people who are emotional eaters because it will increase your serotonin levels.

This increase will put you in a better mood, and it will help you sleep better at night. HCA extract is usefull because it will help you with your apptite, and it will assist you with blocking fats. The main ingredient that stops you from making fats is the carbohydrate names citrate lyase. If it’s not immediately stored, the carb is turned into fats. HCA can be used to stop the production of LDL and triglycerides. HCA is also useful for increasing serotonin levels, and this can help you feel full. There are no known side effects to the fruit, so it’s a safe way to lose weight.

These are just some of the ways that Garcinia Cambogia can assist you with your weight loss goals. Good luck with your weight loss program!