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Can Yacon Syrup Rival Garcinia for Weight Loss?

yacon-sryp-plantsYou know me. I don’t buy into something just because of hype. But today I got something really exciting to share with you. It’s called Yacon syrup and it just might rival the likes of garcinia cambogia. Please realize that it’s likely to start getting a lot of attention since it was just featured on the Dr. Oz show. And as we’ve seen so many times in the past, this could very easily lead to marketing mayhem – marketers will start coming out of the woodwork trying to make some easy, quick money off of it. So learn about it, understand it and know what to look for.

Does Yacon Syrup Really Help You Lose Weight?

It’s nice when there’s already plenty of research on something when we learn about it. That’s the case here. There’s a decent amount of clinical trials that have already been performed and results are definitely promising. In one 120-day double blind placebo study the weight loss was substantial – we’re talking over 30 pounds. That’s nothing to stiff at, right? I agree. They seen an average of a 2-inch reduction around the waist, too.

But that’s not all. There’s much more to Yacon than simply being an organic, natural weight loss supplement. Study participants also benefited from lower LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). This all happened by simply taking Yacon. They were told not to change other habits related to diet and exercise.

Dr .Oz brought in the expertise of five other experts to weigh in on this new discovery, too. Dr. Mike Roizen, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Garth Davis, Dr. Caroline Apovian and Dr. Lou Arrone. While they agree that further research will be helpful in nailing down the exact benefits and how everything works, they are excited about Yacon Syrup.

Dr. Oz says he spent more than a year researching Yacon Syrup and powder before he decided to feature it on the show. NOTE: We’re not affiliated with him or the show in any way. What did he have to say about this new supplement that could cause a stir in the weight loss industry?

“ The results showed “Daily intake of yacon syrup produced a significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index.”

What Exactly is Yacon?

Yacon is actually a vegetable that’s native to the Andes Mountains (South America). It’s been safely used for many generations. In fact, the Ancient Incas were known to use it because of the valuable nutrition it provides and the fact it’s high in fiber, helping you feel fuller for longer periods of time.

It almost tastes like an apple and is sometimes referred to Peru’s apple of the earth. The syrup from this potato-like looking veggie comes from the roots of the plant. It’s manufactured similarly to the way that traditional syrup we’re used to is made. Other things that are particularly attracting to it are:

  • It’s extremely low in calories
  • It provides a substantial amount of fiber
  • It falls very low on the glycemic index rating
  • It is sweet so it’s easy to take unlike other supplements that have foul tastes

Because it’s so low on the glycemic index, it’s not easily broke down into sugar in your body. That means you don’t get a spike in blood sugar that leads to insulin spikes and weight gain.

What Makes it Help You Lose Weight?

Just like garcinia has the key ingredient HCA, Yacon has a key ingredient too: Fructooligosaccharide. I know, try pronouncing that right? Don’t worry, we’ll just call it FOS, which is what it’s often referred to (no wonder, right?). The FOS is what gives Yacon half of its sweetness. The sweetness isn’t the same as sugar though and your body doesn’t treat it like sugar. The bulk of the sweetness you get in Yacon is from inulin, which is a complex sugar that’s slowly metabolized down into FOS.

Here’s where it gets a little technical, but I’ll try to make it as simple as possible. Basically, Yacon Powder and Syrup behave like a prebiotic that assists in controlling flora found in the your intestine. What’s flora? Flora consists of microscopic organisms that reside in your intestinal system – things like Lactobacillus and Bifidus. Don’t worry about their real names, we’ll just call them skinny bacteria like Dr. Oz does.

These bacteria help the transformation of FOS into short-chain fatty acids. Those fatty acids increase your tissue sensitivity to insulin, as well as help stop cholesterol synthesis in your liver. This is all important for your health in several ways. They are a factor in how well your body can absorb nutrients, they play a role in your immune system, they help fight off potentially dangerous disease-causing organisms and even instructs your body to create probiotics – and we all know how important probiotics are. Dr. Oz says that this prebiotic is the game changer for Yacon and what drives the effectiveness of it.

“Researchers show that first way it works is to speed up your metabolism, by promoting the skinny bacteria. Yacon syrup very interestingly lowers the hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’ which brings you down towards fullness, and keeps you down by also controlling insulin. -Dr. Oz”

“Now this is why I’m passionate about it, it’s not just about losing weight, Yes you’ll get that I know that’s why people will try this, but if it can get your blood sugar down that’s a Gold Mine for us when it comes to your health.” -Dr. Oz

How do You Use Yacon?

You can actually find Yacon in variety of forms including powder, dried chips, syrup, pills and even the root of the plant itself. For the most part, they’ll all give you roughly the same benefits. They all have FOS – well the good ones, anyways. In my research and my opinion, pills are the easiest to use, closely followed by syrup form. When using pills, you should take 500mg before each meal with a full glass of water. I’ve asked if AlivebyNature will be selling yacon (they’re the ones I recommend for most other supplements). I will keep you updated on that.

Below are our favorite sources for the different forms of Yacon (so far).

Yacon Syrup

There are many shady sellers of Yacon syrup popping up on Amazon and other places, but also a handful of really good companies that you can trust.
Livesuperfoods is a solid company and I prefer the taste of their syrup over the others I have tried so far.

Yacon Pills

For extra convenience, so people prefer to take pills or capsule.
RootandSprout is one the most trustworthy supplier of yacon pills at an affordable price we have found so far.

Yacon Extract or Powder

As a sugar substitute, I love yacon powder. It doesn’t have the wonderful flavor of syrup, and is not as sweet. In fact, its about the same sweetness as sugar, by volume. So is simple to substitute in recipes or like me, in my coffee.

Livesuperfoods is the only supplier of powder that I trust at this time, although I’m sure more will soon be following now that Dr Oz has given his stamp of approval to Yacon.

Yacon Chips or Slices


As a snack food, this is a great alternative to chips and such. About $9 for a 6 oz pkg
at Navitasnaturals

Where Do You Buy It?

A few things you have to keep in mind. Always read the fine print when you’re buying online. If they say there’s a money back guarantee, make sure you find out what the terms are to get a refund should you decide you want one. Make sure there are not artificial filler ingredients. The only way you can do this is to read the label.

While I don’t go out and buy everything Dr. Oz recommends and I don’t live by his word, he does have some good advice. This is what he says on his website:

  • Don’t buy anything that claims to be an alternative to a prescription
  • Don’t buy anything that has foreign language or misspellings on the packaging
  • Don’t buy anything that claims the impossible (example: lose 20 pounds this week!)
  • Make sure what you’re buying hasn’t been labeled tainted in the past by the FDA
  • Don’t buy anything that you can’t verify supplemental facts (reading the label)
  • Who Should Use It?

Like I’ve explained already, there are many benefits to Yacon syrup. Not just weight loss. So there are actually several groups of people that could truly benefit from it, including:

  • Those who need more fiber in their diet
  • Those who want or need to lose weight
  • Those who suffer from chronic constipation
  • Those who have high blood sugar levels

Pure Garcinia Cambogia

I wouldn’t blame you a bit to not be convinced when you hear about a new weight loss supplement that helps you lose lots of weight fast without any extra work on your part at all. There have been so many products in this industry that never lived up to their claims, and there continue to be new ones all the time. However, Garcinia Cambogia seems to be the one that does live up to the claims Dr. Oz was so excited about it when he featured it on his show TWICE. But….

Many manufacturers describe their product as pure, and they may be. But in this post, I’m specifically talking about the BRAND name “Pure Garcinia Cambogia”

You can read reviews on other brands here.

The BRAND name “Pure” – not a good buy

Following the endorsement by Dr Oz many brands and many suppliers have sprung up to choose from. One of them has chosen to use “Pure” as their brand name. That is the one we are talking about here. There is nothing wrong with a product that is pure – meaning, no fillers – just Garcinia Cambogia extract.

All the different brands of Garcinia are not all created equal. The products aren’t equal, the customer support isn’t equal, the companies aren’t equal. There are some really bad apples out there and one in point is “Pure Garcinia Cambogia”. Exactly what makes me say that so blatantly? Keep reading…

Costs Way Too Much

pure-garcinia-expensiveOne of the great things about garcnia, well other than the fact that it will burn fat for you pretty much on autopilot, is that it’s cheap. It’s not like many of the other products in the weight loss industry that can wipe you out $50, $60 or even $99 in one swipe. Garcinia shouldn’t run you more than $30 at very most. However, the Pure Garcinia we looked at will set you back more than that. Almost $50 to be exact.

The deceitful “Free Trial” scam

This is another brand that uses the lure of “free trial” to trick people. They take your credit card number supposedly just to cover shipping charges, but victims don’t ever see the small print at the bottom of one of the pages that signs them up for monthly shipments. And they start the shipments just days after you get the “free trial”, so you don’t ever have a chance to cancel even if you do know you were signed up for the subscription.

You can read more about free trials here

Another Brand that Hides Ingredients from You!

We say it over and over it again, but it really is that important. Never buy a supplement if you can’t check the label and verify its ingredients beforehand. Unfortunately, there are plenty of suppliers out there who expect you to be a chump and hit the order button without ever looking to see what’s really in it. They love it, because many times they know that their product doesn’t live up to the quality standards it should. Pure is one of them.

Pure, Cheesy Marketing Tactics to Push You into Ordering

We’ve seen this several times. Some marketers are pretty clever. With Pure, they put a nice little notification along the top of the site about how garcinia is sold out in most stores, but you “can still get it online!” True, it might be sold out in some stores. But they’re trying to use scarcity to get you to push the buy button.


Pure is one of the garcinia extracts that we caution you to steer clear of. You’re paying much more than you really should and you don’t even know what you’re buying until your order arrives at your doorstep. Then it may be too late. We’ve heard horror stories on getting refunds, but we haven’t test it with them yet. Play it safe – don’t buy it.

You can read reviews on other brands of garcinia cambogia here


Everyday people get scammed – especially online and especially in the weight loss industry. Hopefully our posts on these products will help alleviate that to the extent possible. Any time you’re buying supplements, you really need to ensure you read the label so you know what you’re going to be introducing to your body. In the case of garcinia, you want to ensure it has 50% HCA at a minimum.


garciniabanner270613If you’re wanting to buy an HCA extract, there’s only one brand we’ve found that we hands down are confident enough in recommending and that’s this garcinia extract. We’ve been researching this supplement for quite a while now and this is by far the best one we’ve found. You can find it on Amazon, but we’ve noticed they don’t always have the discount on there like they do on Alive’s website.


  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)



Where to buy Garcinia Cambogia

Natural weight loss is a huge industry these days and Garcinia Cambogia is probably one of the biggest players in the game. Most health experts have given high praise to this new supplement for the way it seems to magically stop new fat from forming, while at the same time burning off fat that’s already there. Though some retail stores have a hard time keeping it in stock, there are actually many places where you can buy Garcinia Cambogia extract.

Buying Garcinia Online

No matter where you end up buying your Garcinia from, you have to make sure that it has a minimum of 50% hydroxycitric acid – normally referred to as HCA. This is what makes Garcinia as powerful as it is. If your supplement doesn’t have this much HCA as a bare minimum, then you aren’t going to the kind of weight loss results you’re expecting.
It’s OK if it has potassium and/or calcium added in. These aren’t just filler ingredients used to make it more affordable to produce. These ingredients actually helps your body absorb the Garcinia better than it would without it. So it’s pretty much a good thing.

Reading the Label

While you’d think it’s common sense to read the label before buying any type of health supplement, you’d be surprised at how many people don’t. When you buy Garcinia Cambogia online, though, it can be more of a challenge. Not all sellers give you the opportunity to clearly the view the label before you buy – and that’s not a good thing.
There are a couple of possibilities here: One is that they simply didn’t think about offering the label in an easy to view manner on their website. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t want to buy from them anyways. Not when there are sellers who take the time to think about their customers and provide them everything they need to make the bet buying decision for them.

Secondly though, it could simply mean they’re hiding something. They don’t want you to see what you’re actually buying. It could be they don’t the industry recommended amount of HCA – which is vital to making it effective. It could be that they have a bunch of added, filler ingredients in their extract or a number of other things.

This is your health we’re talking about here, as well as your money. Never buy if you can’t read the label to see exactly what you’re getting.

Warning About Online Scams

If you’re going to buy Garcinia Cambogia on the internet, there’s another big thing that you should be aware of – in addition to the above points. That is free trial scams. Don’t ever fall for these. Almost every single one of these offers will end up costing your more and possibly putting you into a subscription service that’s very hard to get out of. We’ve yet to find one that doesn’t come with at least some of these strings attached.


Live Tru Garcinia Cambogia

Taking garcinia extract practically forces you to lose weight by taking control of how often your body is permitted to form fat cells. Fat cell production comes to a screeching halt while the HCA in this powerful supplement goes to work burning any current fat. We couldn’t be happier that this breakthrough was discovered. But because it was and because it’s so powerful, there people out there just trying to ride the money train.

Some sellers of garcinia cambogia extract are downright scammers. Some simply are affiliates that don’t understand they’re feeding innocent people to the prior. And some aren’t trying to scam anyone, but really couldn’t care less about the quality of their product as long as they’re making money. So another day, another one of our reviews. This time we’re talking about a brand of garcinia that we had never heard of before. It’s called Live Tru Nutrition and boy are there some glaring red flags on this one.

notsecureYour Information is NOT SECURE

Let’s start from the end, because, we don’t see this very often and it’s scary they’d be gathering ANY of your personal information this way. If you click through to the order page, you’ll notice that it’s not secure. I thought maybe it would be after you clicked through again, but nope. Sure, you’re taken to Paypal (the only option for payment) for the final payment processing and it’s secure. But your name, email, phone and personal address are all entered on their site, which is NOT secure.

norefundsNo Refund Details

This site seems barely put together with the bare essentials – and not even that. I think this is the first site we’ve reviewed that doesn’t have ANY terms & conditions, a privacy policy… nothing. And no, they don’t give you any details about their refund policy. That is, if they accept returns or offer refunds. We don’t know. They give NO indication about it.

There doesn’t appear to be any company or information about who sells this, so how can you trust buying it??


So now we know you’re shopping around to buy from a seller that has not even provided the basic legal pages any site should have, especially one where money exchanges hands. And now they want to charge you more than what any garcinia product should cost. It shouldn’t cost more than $30. They’re selling it for $39.00.

On top of that, you aren’t getting very much bang for the buck. At 800mg per capsule and basically $40 per bottle, you’re getting a mere 1200mg per dollar spent.

Want to compare just how much you’re getting per dollar with other brands? Then visit this link for our review chart.


You should take your time when buying health supplements. It should not be an impulse buy, as this is your health you could be putting at risk. Not to mention the risk of losing your money or getting suckered into a tricky subscription that takes months to get out of. wwrecommend garciniabanner270613 If you spend a little time on our site, you’ll see that we take the time to review any brand that readers ask us about. It may not be immediate, but we do get to it! So far, the best garcinia extract we can recommend is manufactured by NewLifeBotanicals and sold by Although we found out they have also started offering it on Amazon, too.

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)

amazon alive

SlimScience Garcinia Cambogia

At first glance, SlimScience looks like an extremely professional, high quality garcinia cambogia extract. They tout being the ones behind many leading health supplements that are featured at GNC. However, we didn’t just say “Ok, wow, sounds good to me…” You should know us better than that by now. Especially if you stay updated with our review chart.

Instead, we spent a little time going through the site and trying to see what’s what in regards to the common criteria that we rate garcinia supplements on. In the end, they actually don’t stack up well at all. Keep reading to find out…

Super Tricky Free Trial Gimmick



Gotta admit. We were surprised that a company seemingly so professional would resort to such tactics. But that makes you realize that you can’t just take people’s word for what they say. On the front page, there is no order button. The only option you have is to see if you “qualify” for a 14-day free trial.

This is just a sneaky marketing trick playing on your subconscious. You see, your brain will automatically be semi-curious to see if you qualify. You’re tempted and drawn into filling out the form. Of course, everyone qualifies. Every single person who fills out that inquiry form will qualify. They just want it to seem like you’re “lucky!”.

Click the little terms link in the fine print at the bottom of the site and have a little read. You’ll find out that if you don’t cancel in time, you’re locked into an auto-ship subscription program that will ship you a new supply of pills each and every month. And guess what? This is the most expensive HCA extract we’ve found yet.

**Update: The above information was written when we reviewed the page that sits pretty at the top of the paid search results advertising area on Google. That ad leads to a special trial offer. However, we’ve recently went back to look at their main site and guess what? If you order directly from their main site, one bottle will cost you about $15 less than if you fell for the trial offer!

Seriously? Crazily Over-Priced Product

We always warn that garcinia extract should never run more than $30 or so. It’s just a simple fact of the matter that it does NOT cost that much to produce a quality garcinia supplement that’s all natural and effective. But some companies mark prices way up to make as much money as they can as fast as they can. And SlimScience has marked it up on beyond belief. For a single bottle, you will pay $74.98! Yep, so if you don’t cancel your “trial” in time, you’ll be billed $74.98 then billed that monthly.

**Update: If you go straight to their site to order a single bottle, you pay $59.99

Important Ingredient Information Completely Missing

Any supplier of a garcinia cambogia product should clearly show you how much HCA it has. Why? Any good one will have at least 50% HCA. If it doesn’t, then it’s not going to work like it should. HCA is the vital ingredient that makes it so powerful. But SlimScience doesn’t tell you how much HCA is in it. In fact, they don’t show you the label at all. They want you to take their word for what’s in it. Speaking of ingredients, they have quite a few extra ingredients. They may have been shown beneficial on their own, but just how extensively have they been tested when combined with HCA extract? Who knows. They don’t tell you about that part.

**Update: This information was completely missing on the trial offer page. They do show the label on their main site if you go directly to it. However, there’s still no mention on the percentage of HCA this supplement contains compared to other ingredients.

Get Ready to Jump through Hoops for Returns

They say there’s a money back guarantee and there may well be. But upon reading the fine print, here’s what we found out for you.

If you are on their auto-ship subscription and decide to return the product, you can do so even if it’s been opened. But you’ll have to get a return authorization number from them, pay for the shipment back to the company and hope it arrives in time.

If you buy a single bottle (although we couldn’t find an option to do that), then you can NOT return an opened package. It must be unopened and you still have to get a return authorization number as well as pay for shipping the product back.


Don’t fall for illusions. This is an extremely professional site that would easily fool others, but we know that since you’re here doing your own research you won’t fall for it. The infamous free trial gimmick to get you into a subscription, the ridiculously high price, keeping important ingredient information from you then making you jump through hoops to get a refund? It’s pretty clear… skip SlimScience, save money and deal with someone more reputable.

Visit here for info on other sellers and our simplified buying guide for garcinia cambogia.


We  understand how tricky it can be to find a reputable supplier. It’s difficult to tell the good from the bad a lot of the time. But we really hope that these reviews and the time we spend to dig into these different suppliers will help you make the best decision for you.


garciniabanner270613As for a supplier that we can comfortably recommend? Yes, there is one! Sadly, only one at the moment. It’s sold by and it’s the only place you’ll find this garcinia extract made by NewLifeBotanicals. Well, aside from Amazon where they recently decided to start selling.

This product meets all of the important criteria that Dr. Oz recommends:

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)



GHI Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia transforms your boy into a fat burning machine by burning current fat, while also preventing the formation of new fat cells. Because it’s so powerful, there are tons of websites popping up claiming they have the best garcinia extract. But you have to be careful. You can’t trust some of these guys. While we didn’t find some of the glaring signs of a scam with Global Health Ideas Garcinia (GHI), we do want you to be aware they’re far from the best you can do.

The good points? They clearly don’t offer free bottles, trials or enroll you in an auto-shop subscription program. This is a very common tactic that you should never fall for. They have 60% HCA, which is good. But if you dig closer, you’ll see that this is still not a very good deal… as is the case with many brands (learn more about them here).

GHI-BANG-FOR-BUCKNot Much Bang for Your Buck!

Don’t be fooled just because they do have a good amount of HCA in their product and claim 1000mg. If you look closer, you’ll see that each bottle comes with 60 capsules, but the serving size is two capsules. That means each capsule is 500mg. Considering the price, that means you’re getting a mere 789mg per dollar. Take a look at our review chart here and you’ll see that’s far from the best deal you can get.

They Want Too Much $$$

Just going by the price alone though, we could have told you this wasn’t going to be a great deal. As Dr. Oz said on his show, garcinia is cheap and should be affordable for everyone. In our findings, considering ingredient sourcing and quality manufacturing right here in the U.S. Under good manufacturing processing (GMP) – a good product can be had for merely $30 or less. GHI charges nearly $10 more than that for no reason. You can get a stronger supplement and pay less.


GHI is far from being the minority when it comes to this refund policy. Regardless, we don’t like it and we’re sure you won’t either. If you’re going to offer an iron clad money back guarantee then you shouldn’t have to get a green light from the company to return it. In order to get any type of refund you will have to get in touch with them for a return authorization number.

Check out our review of other brands.


Some of the most common things that should make you think twice about a seller are: product doesn’t contain at least 50% HCA, they offer a free trial bottle, they don’t show you the label in a clear format so you can read it before buying, they require you to jump through hoops for a refund (check the fine print!). wwrecommend garciniabanner270613

We look at each one of the points above when reviewing brands of garcinia. But we don’t stop there. We dig into the site, the company, their advertising habits, the fine print… And up to this point we’ve only found one we can say we 100% trust and recommend: NewLifeBotanicals. You can only find this brand in one of two places. Either from or Amazon.

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)

amazon alive

Premium Garcinia Cambogia

While Garcinia Cambogia is likely the most effective fat burner for losing weight, the garcinia supplements available are not all created equal. Have a look at the chart here to clearly see that…  Because it’s become such a hot-selling item, there are many fly-by-night websites that are here today and gone tomorrow. If you aren’t careful, you could end up wasting your money or getting scammed into an expensive auto ship program that sends you monthly orders on auto-pilot – charging your credit card each and every month. One site we’ve found that looks terribly suspicious is the one for “Premium Garcinia Cambogia”.

labelThe MISSING Label

The first reason we’re warning you about them is that they don’t show you the label. If you can’t view the label for yourself, then how do you know what’s really in it? They just expect you to take their word for it I guess. This is all too common in lower grade supplements, because they know if you seen what you’re getting you probably wouldn’t buy.

I even filled out their form to get through to the next page and see if they at least show you the label when you go to order. But no. No label. This is always a red flag to watch out for.

**Update: We did finally find the label in a small text link at the bottom of the page by terms and conditions.

MINDTRICKSPlaying Mind Tricks on You

At the top of their page, there’s a notice that this brand has sold out in most stores in your local area. Don’t fall for this, either. Even if it mentions your town by name. They’re simply using a script on their site (technical stuff) that can tell what your location is and that notice will change to read whatever town the visitor is in.

They also have links to PDF’s they’ve created with information from clinical studies that have been done on garcinia. This makes it look like they’re officially affiliated with these studies. They’re not. They just put the information in a PDF and made viewable on their site to subtly make you believe that.

cost-premium-garciniaCosts Way Too Much

Garcini, or HCA extract, is supposed to be cheap. It’s one of the key things that even Dr. Oz mentioned when he featured this supplement on his show. You should be able to get it for about $30 – at MOST. However, they expect you to pay nearly $50 for a single bottle of their extract.

Money Back Guarantee if You Get PERMISSION

This is also very common. These “businesses” plaster money back guarantees all over their site. But it’s only in the fine print that you learn you have to 1.) be able to get in touch with them 2.) get a return authorization number. Then you also have to pay shipping and handling to return the product. Once it’s received, they say it takes about a WEEK to process your refund.

Want to read reviews on other brands? Click here.


It’s way too easy to get scammed when buying health supplements online these days if you don’t take the time to do your own research before buying. Hopefully these reviews and our tips on what to look for when buying garcinia supplements will help you avoid becoming a victim. As for what we can recommend, see below.

wwrecommend garciniabanner270613 We put in a lot of time researching different brands of garcinia, because 1.) we feel this is the best weight loss supplement available right now, but 2.) Too many sellers are taking advantage of buyers who don’t know any better.

As for a brand we do trust and recommend, that would be NewLifeBotanicals. You can only find it through or through Amazon. You won’t find it being sold by dozens of different people or find it plastered all over the internet. There are several reasons we recommend this specific brand..

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)

amazon alive

Natural Nutrition Labs Garcinia Cambogia

When you start shopping for garcinia cambogia, you’ll quickly realize just how many different brands there are to choose from. Choose carefully, though. Many sellers can’t be trusted. You could end up with an inferior product, pay double what you should or even tricked into costly subscription programs that are near-impossible to get out of. See our review of popular brands to see which ones are more likely to do this.

A lot of the sellers you find aren’t real companies at all, but simply affiliates who get paid a commission to send buyers. They pop up over night and will normally be completely gone within weeks – leaving you no way of contacting them. One brand that we recommend staying away from is Natural Nutrition Labs. There are just too many questions…

who-sells-natural-nutrition-labs-garciniaWho’s Actually Behind this Product??

We’ve been digging, but have yet to be able to answer that question. It’s pretty suspicious when you can’t find a single bit of information, let alone an official website of a “company”. If you search for Natural Nutrition Labs, you’ll probably find links to Amazon. That’s fine. Lots of sellers are starting to offer products through Amazon for the security and peace of mind for consumers. But you should be able to find out SOMETHING about the company SOMEWHERE. We find it really odd that we can’t find a website or any type of business listing for them.

WHICHTOSELLWhy Sell So MANY Garcinia Products?

If you look at their store on Amazon, you’ll see that they not only sell “their” brand, but also sell half a dozen others… some of which I see are ones previously reviewed here on FoodSecurity. That makes you wonder, right? Some of the brands they sell are ones we have already recommended staying away from. It seems they’re simply offering anything and everything under the sun just to make money. They don’t really care if it’s a quality product or not.


We also found this product being sold on the Sear’s website. It’s sold under the name of someone called OnlineWholeSale. Yet, if you were to land on the Sear’s site and buy it, you’d pay over $20 more than if you ordered it on Amazon. HOW can there be such a price difference on the same exact product? On Amazon it costs $35. On Sears you’ll pay $57.75 This makes us wonder, again, WHO actually makes this? What company is behind it?

sixpillsYou Gotta Take SIX PILLS PER DAY!

They say that their product is better than others, because it’s more powerful. How is that so when you have to take six pills per day to get the best results? That’s way too many pills to have to take.

Get to know more about many other brands here.


With each of the many weight loss supplements out there, there are certain things that you should look for. With some, there are very specific things like HCA for garcinia extract and SVETOL with green coffee. But there are also things you should look for that are common among them all. Being able to read the label before buying, for instance. wwrecommend garciniabanner270613

With each review we do, we look for all of them. We hope that this will help make your research easier to figure out which supplement is the best for your situation. As for garcinia cambogia, we currently recommend only one: NewLifeBotanicals. This supplement can only be found on or Amazon. This is a good thing, as they’re able to easily monitor quality control throughout the whole process – from choosing where to source ingredients, manufacturing, quality control and customer service.

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)

amazon alive

Garcinia Cambogia Xtreme

woman-questioning-xtreme-garciniaDecent, but NOT the Best Deal…

There’s no doubt about it – Garcinia Cambogia extract (often referred to as HCA extract) is one of the best discoveries made in the weight loss industry in quite some time. In fact, it’s probably the number one recommended supplement for naturally losing weight. Yeah, we realize that can be a hard to pill to swallow. Especially if you’ve been scammed by similar products in the past. But this time, you can actually believe (most) the claims. Even Dr. Oz himself says it’s the fastest fat burner.

We can understand your skepticism, though. But before you write it off as just another new diet fad, I very much urge you to take a few minutes to learn about it and I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised. There really isn’t anything out there like it right now and you’ll be hard pressed to find anything that works much better.

Why? Because it’s not simply just a fat burner. It’s not just some other fat blocker. It’s not another run of the mill appetite suppressant. But wait… then how do you lose weight with it? Because it does all THREE! That’s right, it comes full power with three different angles, which results in fast weight loss that’s rarely been seen before.

Unfortunately, being so powerful and popular means it draws all kinds of peoples’ attention: people who need to lose weight, established and trustworthy manufacturers and, here it comes… the scammers and fly by night companies just trying to make a quick buck off the first group of people. There are some pretty horrible sellers out there and we’ll be trying to keep up with them as they pop up so we can warn you about them. See current reviews here.

One that was brought to our attention is Garcinia Cambogia Xtreme. After a few emails, we decided we needed to do a little investigating. Overall though, they don’t appear to be truly evil like some of the others we’ve investigated. They actually seem, well, not great… but pretty decent. Here’s what we found…

checkmarkA Quality Product? Green Light

The first thing we wanted to do is find out about the product itself. Does it have enough HCA? What about useless filler ingredients that lower the quality or could be potentially dangerous? How many mg do you get – is it a good deal?

They passed on all the above. A good garcinia extract should have at least 50% HCA. It does. We also found that there are no artificial filler ingredients. They’ve included calcium and potassium, but that’s actually a good thing. These two ingredients help your body absorb the HCA easier and faster. Plus, it comes with 1500mg.

Clearly Shows You the Label? Green Light

xtreme-shows-labelOne of the main things we always warn people about is checking the label and verifying that you’re buying a quality product. Sometimes that isn’t so easy when you’re buying online, though. A reputable supplier will go out of their way to make sure you are able to clearly read the label before you buy it – before they even ask you for any contact or credit card information. Garcinia Cambogia Xtreme passed on this, too.
Established or Fly by Night Supplier? Green Light

Often times, suppliers that we look into aren’t real suppliers at all. They’re simply affiliate marketers who set up a domain and web page overnight to try to make a quick buck. Or they’re companies who have seemingly been set up overnight and came out of nowhere. Xtreme doesn’t seem to fall into this category. They’ve been around a while and they aren’t just pushing garcinia. They have a full blown website built to offer health and weight loss information.

Good Buy for the Money? No Go this Time…

xtreme-not-good-dealOne of the key features that Dr. Oz stressed about garcinia cambogia extract is the fact that it’s actually cheap. There’s no shelling out tons of money here – AND you’re getting probably the best fat buster that’s available right now. You should never pay more than $25 to $30 bucks. It just does not cost that much to manufacture. However, Xtreme’s price doesn’t get the green light for us. The milligram and value just don’t add up in our book.

Overall, Garcinia Cambogia Xtreme doesn’t look too bad at all when compared to many of the others we’ve researched. However, if you’re looking to get the best value then we’d have to say this is not the product for you.

Learn more about other sellers here.


Buying health supplements shouldn’t be something done on a whim as if you’re grabbing a beef jerkey from the grocery store isle. There are many good, effective supplements, but there are also some that are a waste of money or worse, could be harmful to your health. We hope we can help prevent that happening to at least some of you, so please heed our warnings. If you want to know which garcinia extract we recommend, it would have to be this one. It’s sold on AlivebyNature, but you can also pick it up from Amazon if you prefer.


garciniabanner270613Why do we recommend that particular brand? Several reasons actually. First, they’ve been around a long time and have a long track record of happy customers and being helpful and honest. Secondly, they meet (or exceed) all the points below, which should always be verified (and are what Dr. Oz recommends, too):


  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)



Advanced Garcinia Cambogia

advanced-garcinia-warnings3 Scary Reasons to Stay Away!

Tired of buying into new weight loss products only to soon realize you’ve been duped again? We hear ya. It’s frustrating, right? For many people, losing weight or keeping it off seems to be a never ending struggle. Every week there seems to be, yet again, another new miraculous way to lose weight – hey even the stars are doing it! By now, you know that’s rarely true. But fortunately, you’ve come to the right place to learn the truth about what works and what doesn’t. You can also skip over to our main review page that clearly lays out the pros and cons of other brands.

Today, we’re going to introduce you to one of our favorites: Garcinia Cambogia. This stuff, by all the research we’ve done ourselves, is the real deal. However, it isn’t just as easy as that. Even with a good thing, there’s going to be some bad. That may sound contradicting, but it isn’t… just stay with us here.

Because garcinia cambogia extract is in such high demand, there are some suppliers and brands out there who are just after your money. They see the dollar signs whenever something makes it this big and they want a piece of the pie. Unfortunately, we found another one that we want to warn you about: Advanced Garcinia Cambogia. Now, let’s talk about why.

No Such Thing as Free Ride – Sorry

nowayOne of the most common ways that consumers get scammed these days is with the free trial or risk-free trial. And that couldn’t be truer than in the weight loss industry. When we were first alerted to Advanced, we investigated. And the very fist thing that they throw in your face is “Hey, try a free bottle – it’s on us!”

Don’t fall for it. 99 percent of the time these free bottles offered in the world of supplements are nothing but a bait and hook to get your payment info on file. Yes, you will probably receive a bottle soon after requesting it feeling all hunky dory because you can “cancel any time if you aren’t happy”.

But wait… cancel? Yes. You can bet your bottom dollar that they’ll require you to give them your credit card or bank information. That’s so they can keep sending you bottles and charging you. You might get lucky and easily cancel if you decide to. But from our experience, that’s easier said than done.

Shhh… They Want You to Think You’re Buying from THEM (But you aren’t)

So I was going to look even further into their free trial bottle. But guess what? I can’t. When you click it, you land on a blank page! How professional is that? But here’s the kicker… watch closely when you click on that button and you’ll see that you’re being taken to a completely different website (well – you’re supposed to be being taken there anyways).

So what’s that all about? It means they’re an affiliate. They’re affiliate marketers. They’re pushing and promoting a product that isn’t theirs in hopes that you’ll buy and they can make a commission.

garcinia-scam-nowayProbably the BIGGEST Red Flag: Not Showing the Label

This is at the very top of the list of our pet peeves. It’s unprofessional and most commonly, it means they know that a savvy shopper isn’t going to buy the product if they really seen what was in it (or what’s not in it). So they choose simply not to show the label. You can’t see the ingredients. You don’t even know how much HCA (hydroxycitric acid) is in it. HINT: It’s extremely important that any garcinia extract you buy has a bare minimum of 50% HCA… You don’t know the milligrams, so even if everything else was good to go, you’d have no way of knowing if it was good value or not.


Well there you have it. There are all of the main reasons we would never recommend buying Advanced Garcinia Cambogia. Actually, it’s hard to really find anything good to point out about this one! The site isn’t properly maintained, they’re another in the long line of sellers who try to pull consumers in with a free bottle offer and they don’t even think you deserve to know exactly what it is you’re ordering. There’s good news, though… keep reading below.

If you want to learn more about some of the other brands, go here.


Knowing what to look for is extremely important when you’re buying weight loss supplements. Well, it’s important anytime, but when you’re buying weight loss pills, we’re talking about your health here. So buying garcinia supplements shouldn’t be an impulse buy. Always make sure you know exactly what you’re buying. If someone isn’t willing to show you well before ever asking for personal information, turn on your heels and go the other way. One that you can trust and is from a seller we’ve come to highly respect is this garcinia extract. In fact, it’s even sold on Amazon. Both their site and Amazon often have special discount specials running, too.


garciniabanner270613There are many reasons why we recommend this particular product. Not only are they an established retailer, but they pride themselves on offering as much information as possible. Go ahead and have a look yourself and you’ll see they aren’t some fly by night operation. This product exceeds Dr. Oz’s recommendations:

This product meets all of the important criteria that Dr. Oz recommends:

  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)

