Trying to find a weight loss supplement that actually works can seem like an uphill battle these days. Even with garcinia cambogia. Yes, it’s a very powerful fat burner. But all brands aren’t created equal. So how do you know if something’s worth buying? There are a few things to look for right off the bat, including the following: If they offer a free trial or a free bottle, then stay away. For more information on this read our guide to buying garcinia here. If they don’t give you a chance to clearly view the product label before ordering (or if they make you fill out a form with your personal information before looking at it) then stay away. Any reputable brand will make sure the label is clearly viewable right from the start. Any garcinia extract worth buying will have at least 50% HCA. So if it doesn’t have that at a bare minimum stay away. This goes hand in hand with being able to view the label and the ingredients. If you see them advertised everywhere and sold by half a dozen different places or more, stay away. Many of the shady sellers will go out of their way and spend as much as possible to advertise. If it were truly a good brand, don’t you think their customers would be telling everyone for them? If their website doesn’t look professional or it looks like a 3rd grader wrote the text for the site, stay away. If you can’t verify their return policy, stay away. Lots of the time, there will be a “money back guarantee”. But truth is you’ll have a heck of a time with getting return authorization numbers, paying shipping to send it back, pay restocking fees or even not be able to return an open bottle! One of the best things about garcinia is that it is affordable. You shouldn’t need to spend more than about $30 for a month’s supply. However, we’ve found some selling it for double that price. Check and see what your money’s actually buying. How many milligrams per dollar are you getting? You can get the simple formula for determining this here. So how does Whole Body Garcinia stack up? Let’s look…
- Free trial? No, that’s a good thing.
- Can you view the label? Yes, that’s a good thing.
- Amount of HCA? 60%, that’s a good thing.
- Advertised everywhere? Not too bad here. Haven’t seen it plastered everywhere and there don’t appear to be dozens of websites selling it.
- Professional site? Yep, that’s a good thing.
- Price? $44.99 for a single bottle. Not such a good thing.
- MG per dollar? Barely over 1000mg per dollar.
Overall, this brand doesn’t look too shabby. However, it’s clearly not the best deal you can get on garcinia. See reviews of other garcinia cambogia brands.
You should take your time when buying health supplements. It should not be an impulse buy, as this is your health you could be putting at risk. Not to mention the risk of losing your money or getting suckered into a tricky subscription that takes months to get out of.
If you spend a little time on our site, you’ll see that we take the time to review any brand that readers ask us about. It may not be immediate, but we do get to it! So far, the best garcinia extract we can recommend is manufactured by NewLifeBotanicals and sold by Although we found out they have also started offering it on Amazon, too.
- It’s all natural (always a good thing)
- It clearly provides 60% HCA
- Continues to receive amazing feedback
- Has 600mg per capsule
- You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
- You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)