Some people think that life expectancy is mostly determined by genetics. But the truth is that genes do not play a big role.
The factors that actually influence longevity are related to diet, environment, and lifestyle. Below are some crucial tips for adopting if you want to add more days to your life.
1. Don’t Overeat
The connection between longevity and calorie consumption gains curiosity from people. If you decrease 10 to 15% of calories in your diet, it might boost your lifetime. The people who live longer usually restrict calories, and they don’t suffer from common diseases too.
Compared to this, people with high body fat don’t get to live long. However, reducing calories for a long time is not healthy.

2. Consume more nuts
Nuts are a powerhouse of nutrition and energy. They boast antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, fibers, and useful plant compounds.
Different studies have revealed that nuts prevent metabolic syndrome, heart disease, belly fat, inflammation, a few cancers, and high blood pressure. According to a study, individuals who ate a minimum of 3 nut servings daily showed less risk of premature death.
3. Take turmeric
When it comes to anti-aging strategies, turmeric should not be ignored. It’s because turmeric includes a strong bioactive compound known as curcumin that boasts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant features.
This spice boosts the function of many organs and lowers the risk of many age-related diseases. In the studies of mice and insects, curcumin improved their lifespan.
4. Consume plant-based foods
Eating lots of plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, beans, and whole grains can offer longevity and lower disease risk.
For example, lots of studies have shown that a plant-based diet is linked to a lesser probability of premature death, along with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, cancer, neurodegeneration, depression, and heart disease. These benefits result due to folate, antioxidants, vitamin C, carotenoids, and polyphenols.
5. Take supplements
Scientists and prominent biologists such as David Sinclair are in favor of longevity supplements. As for David himself, he has made a long list of supplements that he takes religiously on a daily basis. The following medications are included in his list:
- Nicotinamide Mononucleotide
- Resveratrol
- Vitamin K2
- Vitamin D3
- Metformin
- Statin
- Coenzyme Q10
These supplements are backed up by science, which is why they are safe for consumption. All of these work synergistically, especially the vitamins, to offer a longer life.
6. Be active
It’s common sense that staying active will make you healthy and add more days to your life. Even doing exercise for 15 minutes daily can reap benefits and may add 3 years more.
If you increase 15 minutes, you can decrease the risk of premature death by 4%. The recommended duration of exercise each week is 150 minutes.
7. Avoid stress
Stress and anxiety can reduce your lifetime. For instance, individuals who tend to worry more are likely to have heart disease, lung cancer, or stroke.
The solution to chronic stress is optimism and laughing. Pessimist people are more likely to die earlier as compared to optimistic people.