Handball, also known as team handball, is a high-intensity sport that offers a wide range of cardio benefits. It is a fast-paced sport that requires players to run, jump, and change direction frequently, making it an effective form of cardiovascular exercise. In this article, we will discuss the cardio benefits of handball and how it can improve overall health and fitness.
Handball and Cardiovascular Health
Handball is an intense cardiovascular exercise that can help to improve heart health. It is a high-intensity sport that raises the heart rate and improves the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. This can help to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Handball also strengthens the heart and lungs, which can improve overall fitness and endurance.
Handball and Calorie Burning
Handball is an effective way to burn calories. The fast-paced nature of the sport and the constant movement required can burn a significant number of calories in a short period of time. According to research, handball can burn up to 700 calories per hour, making it one of the most efficient forms of cardio.
Handball and Muscular Endurance
Handball is a great exercise to improve muscular endurance. It requires a consistent effort from multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, arms, and core. The constant movement and sudden changes of direction required in the sport can help to improve muscle endurance and stamina. Handball also improves muscular strength, especially in the legs, back, arms, and core.
Handball and Coordination
Handball requires a high level of coordination and balance. The sport requires players to move quickly and change direction frequently, which can help to improve overall coordination and balance. This can help to prevent injuries.