Monthly Archives: December 2013

Pure Garcinia Cambogia

I wouldn’t blame you a bit to not be convinced when you hear about a new weight loss supplement that helps you lose lots of weight fast without any extra work on your part at all. There have been so many products in this industry that never lived up to their claims, and there continue to be new ones all the time. However, Garcinia Cambogia seems to be the one that does live up to the claims Dr. Oz was so excited about it when he featured it on his show TWICE. But….

Many manufacturers describe their product as pure, and they may be. But in this post, I’m specifically talking about the BRAND name “Pure Garcinia Cambogia”

You can read reviews on other brands here.

The BRAND name “Pure” – not a good buy

Following the endorsement by Dr Oz many brands and many suppliers have sprung up to choose from. One of them has chosen to use “Pure” as their brand name. That is the one we are talking about here. There is nothing wrong with a product that is pure – meaning, no fillers – just Garcinia Cambogia extract.

All the different brands of Garcinia are not all created equal. The products aren’t equal, the customer support isn’t equal, the companies aren’t equal. There are some really bad apples out there and one in point is “Pure Garcinia Cambogia”. Exactly what makes me say that so blatantly? Keep reading…

Costs Way Too Much

pure-garcinia-expensiveOne of the great things about garcnia, well other than the fact that it will burn fat for you pretty much on autopilot, is that it’s cheap. It’s not like many of the other products in the weight loss industry that can wipe you out $50, $60 or even $99 in one swipe. Garcinia shouldn’t run you more than $30 at very most. However, the Pure Garcinia we looked at will set you back more than that. Almost $50 to be exact.

The deceitful “Free Trial” scam

This is another brand that uses the lure of “free trial” to trick people. They take your credit card number supposedly just to cover shipping charges, but victims don’t ever see the small print at the bottom of one of the pages that signs them up for monthly shipments. And they start the shipments just days after you get the “free trial”, so you don’t ever have a chance to cancel even if you do know you were signed up for the subscription.

You can read more about free trials here

Another Brand that Hides Ingredients from You!

We say it over and over it again, but it really is that important. Never buy a supplement if you can’t check the label and verify its ingredients beforehand. Unfortunately, there are plenty of suppliers out there who expect you to be a chump and hit the order button without ever looking to see what’s really in it. They love it, because many times they know that their product doesn’t live up to the quality standards it should. Pure is one of them.

Pure, Cheesy Marketing Tactics to Push You into Ordering

We’ve seen this several times. Some marketers are pretty clever. With Pure, they put a nice little notification along the top of the site about how garcinia is sold out in most stores, but you “can still get it online!” True, it might be sold out in some stores. But they’re trying to use scarcity to get you to push the buy button.


Pure is one of the garcinia extracts that we caution you to steer clear of. You’re paying much more than you really should and you don’t even know what you’re buying until your order arrives at your doorstep. Then it may be too late. We’ve heard horror stories on getting refunds, but we haven’t test it with them yet. Play it safe – don’t buy it.

You can read reviews on other brands of garcinia cambogia here


Everyday people get scammed – especially online and especially in the weight loss industry. Hopefully our posts on these products will help alleviate that to the extent possible. Any time you’re buying supplements, you really need to ensure you read the label so you know what you’re going to be introducing to your body. In the case of garcinia, you want to ensure it has 50% HCA at a minimum.


garciniabanner270613If you’re wanting to buy an HCA extract, there’s only one brand we’ve found that we hands down are confident enough in recommending and that’s this garcinia extract. We’ve been researching this supplement for quite a while now and this is by far the best one we’ve found. You can find it on Amazon, but we’ve noticed they don’t always have the discount on there like they do on Alive’s website.


  • It’s all natural (always a good thing)
  • It clearly provides 60% HCA
  • Continues to receive amazing feedback
  • Has 600mg per capsule
  • You don’t get ripped off with it being full of fillers
  • You get the most amazing money back guarantee we’ve seen (no questions asked, no return authorizations, nothing!)



Where to buy Garcinia Cambogia

Natural weight loss is a huge industry these days and Garcinia Cambogia is probably one of the biggest players in the game. Most health experts have given high praise to this new supplement for the way it seems to magically stop new fat from forming, while at the same time burning off fat that’s already there. Though some retail stores have a hard time keeping it in stock, there are actually many places where you can buy Garcinia Cambogia extract.

Buying Garcinia Online

No matter where you end up buying your Garcinia from, you have to make sure that it has a minimum of 50% hydroxycitric acid – normally referred to as HCA. This is what makes Garcinia as powerful as it is. If your supplement doesn’t have this much HCA as a bare minimum, then you aren’t going to the kind of weight loss results you’re expecting.
It’s OK if it has potassium and/or calcium added in. These aren’t just filler ingredients used to make it more affordable to produce. These ingredients actually helps your body absorb the Garcinia better than it would without it. So it’s pretty much a good thing.

Reading the Label

While you’d think it’s common sense to read the label before buying any type of health supplement, you’d be surprised at how many people don’t. When you buy Garcinia Cambogia online, though, it can be more of a challenge. Not all sellers give you the opportunity to clearly the view the label before you buy – and that’s not a good thing.
There are a couple of possibilities here: One is that they simply didn’t think about offering the label in an easy to view manner on their website. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t want to buy from them anyways. Not when there are sellers who take the time to think about their customers and provide them everything they need to make the bet buying decision for them.

Secondly though, it could simply mean they’re hiding something. They don’t want you to see what you’re actually buying. It could be they don’t the industry recommended amount of HCA – which is vital to making it effective. It could be that they have a bunch of added, filler ingredients in their extract or a number of other things.

This is your health we’re talking about here, as well as your money. Never buy if you can’t read the label to see exactly what you’re getting.

Warning About Online Scams

If you’re going to buy Garcinia Cambogia on the internet, there’s another big thing that you should be aware of – in addition to the above points. That is free trial scams. Don’t ever fall for these. Almost every single one of these offers will end up costing your more and possibly putting you into a subscription service that’s very hard to get out of. We’ve yet to find one that doesn’t come with at least some of these strings attached.